Gauss' Java Trip
A Mathematical Travel Report

Literature and Links

Because this bibliography has been originally written for the German version of this site, several of the reviewed books and articles are in German. If I could find one, I have added a link to an English translation. However, for some of the items, like the original papers [Hermes 1879] or [Hermes 1889], no translations are available. On the other hand, several books and most of the websites reviewed on this page were already in English at the outset.

In addition to the books and papers quoted in the text, I have added several others, dealing with the construction of regular polygons (especially of the 65537-gon) or with related topics. If you google for 65537-gon, you will get more than 3000 matches (and 2390 matches for 65537-Eck at least). With the best will in the world I could not even visit a small fraction of these sites. So, if you miss a particular site, drop me a note. I will be glad to add a link, if appropriate.